Thursday, September 2, 2010

New School Life

So me and Shonelle realized that the song Priceless by Ish (shonelle’s man :P) is our new song for the school year. He’s so fine!! and the song is so cute.

and also we fell in love with Khalil who sings Girlfriend ringtone (he’s my man :p)

Enjoy :)




There is many things in life that are very worthless.  such as people being  in your business. like are you serious? move on with your own lives and leave mine alone. to much goes on in this world to be focusing all your attention on me.  Live your OWN life to the fullest. its the second of September and most of us are going back to school or starting a new career in our lives. do it for you and no one else!

Today my friends and I took a drive to multiple places and were talking about what we see our selves as in the future and who will be with us when we get there. we realized out of all the friends we have since high school we will probably have the most of 5 friends that would stay with us until then. it amazing on how friend ship works. so honestly its worthless to fix problems you have with people you know wont be there in 5 years. live life to the fullest.

